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By jdsizemore

LaFollette Project

On 01, Feb 2013 | No Comments | In Recent Projects | By jdsizemore

Silvara Stone Step Treads

Silvara Stone Flooring

Silvara Stone Flooring Stone

This restoration project was designed by our experienced stone professionals and executed by the masonry professionals of our sister company, Teton Masonry.

LaFollette Project before Silvara Stone

Before Silvara Stone

Natural cleft flooring stone - Silvara Stone

After Silvara Stone

The walkway was completely demolished and we reinstalled our variegated natural cleft pattern flooring.

LaFollette Project before Silvara Stone

Before Silvara Stone

Natural cleft flooring stone - Silvara Stone

After Silvara Stone

The driveway stone was also completely demolished and reinstalled using our variegated natural cleft pattern flooring.

Wall cap stone - Silvara Stone

Natural cleft pattern flooring stone - Silvara Stone

We replaced all of the capstone and step treads and repaired the dry stack wall.  This was an extreme makeover-stone edition!

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